26 years ago, “’I’m alone, but not lonely’. Japanese Otaku-Kids colonize the Realm of Information and Media” appeared in the Amsterdam magazine Mediamatic.
One year ago, Paul O’Kane wrote to me, saying he’s an artist, writer, publisher and lecturer in fine arts based in London, and that he has used my essay for many years to inspire his students to start thinking about art, society and technology. Recently, he and two colleagues had started a not-for-profit artist’s publishing company, eeodo, and wanted to print a special edition of my essay. Would I give my permission to do so? Of course, I did.
One month ago, the book arrived, beautifully designed and illustrated by manga artist Kengyuan Qiu, with a preface by Paul O’Kane and a brief introduction by me. It can now be ordered from eeodo for £7.95.
A week from now, the book will be presentend at the

Thursday 17th November, 6pm sharp to 8pm
Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation
13/14 Cornwall Terrace (Outer Circle) London NW1 4QP
Paul and I will be speaking briefly, after which Griseldis Kirsch, an expert in modern Japanese culture at SOAS, University of London, will chat with me about the state of otaku and otakulogy. The discussions will be followed by drinks and a book-signing. N.B. Booking required.
A week later, there will be another BOOK EVENT:
Thursday 24th November, 6.30pm to 9pm
Waterstones Tottenham Court Road
19 – 21 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 1BJ
For this additional event, in Waterstones’ basement bar, video work by artists Katya Gargi and Shinji Toya will join an ambient otaku soundscape supplied by musician Christopher Smith. The schedule starts with a screening of a 30-minute film by Bong Joon-Ho alluding to the Hikikomori lifestyle, after which artist, writer, lecturer and eeodo founder member Paul O’Kane will discuss the book and field questions with Hayato Fujioka, a specialist in modern Japanese Art History at CSM.