Re-Touching McLuhan – The Medium is the Massage. Marshall McLuhan Centennial Weekend, 27–29 May 2011. Conference, screening, installation, performance. Embassy of Canada / Marshall McLuhan Salon, Leipziger Platz 17, Berlin.
The international conference Re-Touching McLuhan: The Medium is the Massage chaired by Dieter Daniels and moderated by Christopher Salter, sees leading international media and digital culture researchers Richard Cavell, Martina Leeker, Claus Pias, Dieter Daniels, Katja Kwastek, Michael Darroch, Janine Marchessault and Lorenz Engell explore McLuhan’s unique take on tactile and multi-sensory media expressed by the media philosopher’s unintentionally published blurring of the words message and massage.
All events are FREE and open to the public, but spaces are limited so please RSVP at